daimatul ยท A thousand years instrumental
Wedding InvitationLuciana & RobbyKepada Yth;
Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/iTamu UndanganDi Tempat -
You are cordially invited to celebrate
the marriage of Luciana & Robby -
BrideTheLuciana BudirmanDaughter of Budirman
& Jatmawati -
Robby Herman S.MSon of Drs. Suherman M.Pd
& Marnita M.T.PdGroomThe -
Akad NikahFriday18November 2022At 14.00 WIB Until EndJln. Trip Kastalani, No. 20 Kecamatan Pasar Manna, Kelurahan Ketapang Besar00Hari00Jam00Menit00Detik
ReceptionSaturday and Sunday19-20November 2022At 07.30 WIB Until EndJln. Trip Kastalani, No. 20 Kecamatan Pasar Manna, Kelurahan Ketapang Besar00Hari00Jam00Menit00Detik
Jln. Trip Kastalani, No. 20 Kecamatan Pasar Manna, Kelurahan Ketapang BesarRoute to Location
Klik Dibawah Ini
Berikan Ucapan & Doa Restu -
Send GIftThank you for adding to the joyful spirit of our wedding with your presence and lovely gift.0150 0100 2915 307BRI : Robby Herman13467430180Hana Bank : Luciana Budirman0895604633434Dana : Luciana BudirmanKirim KadoAnda dapat mengirim kado ke:
Jln. Trip Kastalani, No. 20, Ruko 3 tingkat, 3 pintu, rolling warna biru, Kecamatan Pasar Manna, Kelurahan Ketapang Besar, Kab. Bengkulu Selatan, Provinsi Bengkulu, Kode pos 38521,
WA : 0895604633434 -
Contact PersonHubungi Contact Person kami jika ada hal
yang ingin ditanyakan. -
Protokol KesehatanMengingat kondisi pandemi saat ini, kami menghimbau Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i tamu undangan agar tetap memperhatikan protokol kesehatan dalam rangka upaya pencegahan penyebaran virus Covid-19.Memakai
JarakCek Suhu
Tubuh -
We would like to thank you for sharing in our wedding celebration. We are grateful for your presence, warm wishes, and your generous gift. We look forward to our future together and to making more memories with you.Best RegardsLuciana & Robby
- Opening
- Greetings
- Bride
- Groom
- Ceremonial
- Reception
- Maps
- Gallery
- Gift
- Contact
- Protokol
- Thanks
18 Nov 2022
14:00 WIB
Jln. Trip Kastalani, No. 20 Kecamatan Pasar Manna