Pioniel Ch · Backsound Wedding - Made With Clipchamp
The Wedding OfAstri &
RizalKepada Yth;
Saudara dan Rekan Terdekat00Hari00Jam00Menit00Detik -
You are cordially invited to celebrate
the marriage of Astri & RizalWedding VowsAstri &
RizalI promise to stand by your side as your partner and best friend. I vow to care for you with tenderness and respect, to support your dreams, and to nurture our love through all of life’s seasons. Together, we will embark on this beautiful journey, growing and learning with each other every day. I will cherish and honor you, and build a life filled with laughter, compassion, and endless love. -
BrideTheASTRI DEVIDaughter of Heris & Reni
RIZAL D PRIBADISon of Agus & TutikGroomThe
WEDDINGEventAkad NikahMinggu, 8 September 2024Pukul 09:00 WIBRoyal Orchids Garden Hotel & Condominium00Hari00Jam00Menit00DetikHoly MatrimonySunday, 8 September 2024At 09:00 WIBRoyal Orchids Garden Hotel & Condominium
Royal Orchids Garden Hotel & CondominiumPetunjuk Ke Lokasi
Jl. Indragiri No.4, Pesanggrahan, Kec. Batu, Kota Batu, Jawa Timur 65318 -
Our Memories
Wedding GiftTerima kasih telah menambah semangat kegembiraan pernikahan kami dengan kehadiran dan hadiah indah Anda.BANK BNI1478414137Rizal Dwiwahyu PribadiBANK BCA8650215975Astri Devi Pramitha
We would like to thank you for sharing in our wedding celebration. We are grateful for your presence, warm wishes, and your generous gift. We look forward to our future together and to making more memories with you.Best RegardsAstri & Rizal
08 Sep 2024
09:00 WIB
Royal Orchids Garden Hotel & Condominium - Jl. Indragiri No.4, Pesanggrahan, Kec. Batu, Kota Batu, Jawa Timur 65318